Mayor Misty Buscher announces department directors

In her first full day of office, May 8, Mayor Misty Buscher has announced City of Springfield department directors and staff as follows:

Police Chief – Chief Ken Scarlette, current Springfield Police Department Chief, who has been with the department since 1998.

Fire Chief – Ed Canny, current Springfield Fire Department Division Chief and Captain, serving since 1997.

Chief of Staff – Mike Disco, who has served in the private sector.

Office of Budget and Management – Ramona Metzger, who serves as the City of Springfield’s Comptroller and has been with the City since 2012.

Springfield Convention and Visitor’s Bureau – Scott Dahl, who has served in that role since 2018.

Interim Corporation Counsel – Steve Rahn, who has served as the City of Springfield’s Senior Corporation Counsel and has been with the City since 2011.

Interim Office of Planning and Economic Development – Valera Yazell, who had served previously in that role.

City Water, Light and Power – Doug Brown, current Chief Utility Engineer will continue in that role, and who has been with CWLP since 1994.

Community Relations – Ethan Posey, who has served in the private sector.

Public Works (Effective May 15, 2023) – Dave Fuchs, who has worked in state government.  Current Director Nate Bottom is being named Chief City Engineer.

Director Communications (Effective May 16, 2023) - Haley Wilson, who has worked in the private sector.

Michelle Ownbey

Michelle Ownbey is the publisher of Illinois Times and Springfield Business Journal.

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