click to enlarge Letters to the editor 12/14/23
A German renewable energy company plans to build about 60 wind turbines in Montgomery County and Sangamon County over the next several years as part of a multi-county, $450 million wind farm development known as Grand Prairie Energy Park.

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They're a blight on the landscape ("Sangamon County could see first wind farm soon," Nov. 30). You used to be able to drive around at night and enjoy the dark sky. Now you see blinking red lights everywhere.

Dennis Sklenka



Mason County is also ruined now. It's a sea of turbines. We live in the "beautiful country," or did, now I look out my front and back door to see the eyesores. However, people get paid to have them on their property – it's greed.

Rhonda Baugh



Anyone living around wind farms doesn't like them. They are noisy and distracting with the shadows produced. There is also a lot of light pollution with the blinking lights at night.

Linda Born



They already have wind turbines outside of town and you hardly ever see them moving. I'd rather see a solar farm than a wind farm.

Matt Fadden



After reading your recent article about District 186's latest ISBE report card, it is obvious that Springfield taxpayers are getting the worst of both worlds. We pay an outrageous amount of property taxes and in return get a school district where only 23% of the students can read at grade level and only 16% can perform math at grade level.

District 186 spends nearly $20,000 per student per year and the educational results are abysmal. For decades we have been hearing public school advocates clamoring for more money. It's a constant mantra of more money, more money, more money.

I have a very simple question. How much more money do they need? Can someone, anyone, give me a number? We spend far more than any other industrialized country and our schools keep getting worse and worse.

Judging by District 186's appalling absentee rate, it is obvious that far too many so-called "parents" have absolutely no interest in ensuring that their children get an education. How is more money going to motivate irresponsible or negligent parents? It isn't.

I don't know what the solution is, but it's obvious that pouring more money into our public schools has accomplished nothing. District 186 taxpayers can be likened to car buyers who pay for a Mercedes, but end up with a Kia. I don't mind paying Kia prices for a Kia, but if I am going to pay for a Mercedes, I had better get a Mercedes.

Robert Huck



It's about time ("Police pay to increase," Dec. 7). They still put their lives on the line to protect us every day we underpay them. I'm thankful our police officers are protecting us every day of the week.

Keith Wilson

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