click to enlarge Letters to the editor 1/25/24
Kainan Rinaberger, president of Springfield Fire Fighters Local 37, says the city should begin formal negotiations with the union to supplement what the three existing ambulance providers offer to residents. Springfield City Council members will consider purchasing an ambulance in the next fiscal year for what could be the first step toward a multimillion-dollar, city-operated ambulance service to supplement privately operated ambulances and shorten response times in medical emergencies.

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This was an interesting article ("City-operated ambulance service to be considered," Jan. 4). The firefighters tout the need for more ambulances with the increase in EMS calls. But as a taxpayer, I would suggest that the fire department should be studied and possibly revamped to hire and staff more EMS employees and reduce the number of firefighters, since they are going on fewer fire calls. I have to believe the salary for an EMS employee is far less than the current firefighters, which would help the city by reducing salary cost as well as pension cost. I hope they continue to look into this as Ward 1 Ald. Chuck Redpath suggests.

James Patton



Why not give our current ambulance services the money so that they can purchase more ambulances and pay for additional staff? Seems like that would make more sense.

Mary Younkin



Being nice to others is commendable. Church leaders not mentioning Christ, when granted a public forum by Illinois Times, indicates replacement priorities ("First Pres enlarges its welcome," Jan. 11). I'm curious to know how the $7 million of updates, without nary a mention of active members, are being funded. Perhaps Illinois Times will tell us in an update?

C.S. Stahlman



Not a thing about what the church teaches or that Jesus Christ preached. Evangelism is not accomplished by boasting of physically updating your building. The body of Christ is not in its buildings.

Victor Edwards



Great, that should be plenty of space to let all the homeless on the steps (of the church) come inside. It will be safer inside for them to drink and do illegal drugs. Are the parishioners even aware this is taking place on their property? People are getting hurt by this policy, which leads to drugs, alcohol and overdoses.

Garret Moffett



This is in regard to the recent article about Teresa Haley ("Haley: Remarks 'taken out of context,'" Jan. 18).  According to the story, "She said she used the word in the video when she was summarizing and referring to the same term used by at least two other Illinois branch presidents during the meeting."

If that term was so bad (as she claims), why on earth did she repeat it? To repeat a word or phrase without criticism suggests that you agree with it, which is so disingenuous. The guilt is still there. 

The article states, "Haley told Illinois Times she regretted repeating her peers' comments."

She should, but again, the term must not be that bad if she chose to repeat it. At that point, it's not leadership, it's gossip. 

Stephanie Goebel

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