Sheriff Jack Campbell, standing in front of an enclosed day room for inmates at the Sangamon County Jail, says he worries the end of cash bail in Illinois will result in higher crime rates. For most of the jail’s inmates, he said: “When they are not locked up, they commit crimes. This is what they do for a living.”


Remember, out of 102 state's attorneys throughout Illinois, 100 opposed the SAFE-T Act ("Cash bail comes to an end," Sept. 21). I wonder what they know that the public doesn't?

Michell Neville



The argument is that we're paying to keep people in jail over minor charges. But aren't we also paying when they steal from retailers that are then forced to raise prices to offset the cost of the thieves? And also paying officers that have to go hunt them down when they don't show up after getting a notice to appear? Seems like we're paying twice as much now.

Chris Cantrall



The Sangamon County Jail had 300 inmates on Sept. 21, roughly the same number it had the week before. Which, by the way, is more humans than it's rated to hold.

Lindsay Evans



What an exciting time for the Springfield community ("Groundbreaking for Scheels Sports Park," Sept. 28). Hopefully this excitement will come to fruition in 2025 with a ribbon cutting and not hit any problems to derail the completion of the sports complex.

It is nice to see all the government entities, new and old, getting behind this. The former mayor put in a lot of hard work and heavy lifting to get the city council to approve this project. I'm glad to see that he was quoted in the article. He truly is a person, like others, who wants to see the city flourish and does not care who gets the credit – although he should take a lot of credit for this project getting to where it is today.

James Patton



What people need to be asking is: What does this sports park produce, how many full-time jobs will be created, and will employees get a full health care benefit package? Springfield can no longer survive on tourism. The town is dying and people are fleeing for greener pastures.

Greg Zoll



I'm tired of the lifelong Springfieldians chiming in and saying, "This town will always be a dump." Can we please try to do better? I go to Peoria and Bloomington quite often, and they have great parks and people like living there. What's so different about Springfield?

Kirk Donley


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