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click to enlarge Letters to the editor 11/23/23
The U.S. EPA has recommended denial of a permit that would allow the city of Springfield to build a second lake, but city officials say it’s not a deal breaker for constructing Hunter Lake.

Stop – enough already! Quit wasting time, resources and my tax dollars on Hunter Lake ("More hurdles for Hunter Lake," Nov. 9). We do not need it. Take care of the lake we already have.

Stephanie Goebel



After reading this article it gives the impression that Wetlands and Watersheds Branch Manager David Pfeifer from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is looking for another study and does not realize the water supply issue is not the only factor stated to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers concerning the purpose and need of this project. I agree, though, that to think Springfield and its surrounding communities are not going to grow in the coming decades is shortsighted.

A good example is when the new power plant by Pawnee is completed, CWLP is going to pick up a 300,000 gallon-per-day water customer. I hear they have future plans for expansion, which could increase that to 750,000 gallons per day.

One thing is for sure, if Springfield does not have the water to grow it might not, and who thinks having an 8,000-acre state park bordering our city limits will not help Springfield grow in the future?

Reg Davis
Via illinoistimes.com



CWLP has been making wild predictions of population growth for 58 years. When Hunter Lake was first conceived, CWLP predicted that by 2000 there would be twice the population currently served. This time, it took a study that initially claimed modest population growth, and CWLP then insisted on a high-growth model that grossly inflated that figure, then added 5% more for good measure.

In seven of the last 11 years, Sangamon County has seen population declines. Overall, population is down about 1% since 2012. The growth is mostly to areas not served by CWLP (South Sangamon Water District, Curran-Gardner, south and west).

The EPA didn't say that the population won't grow, but that CWLP's projections are unsupported by any evidence. Population trends are, overall, less important than CWLP's own actual retail water use data, which show a steady decline of 14% over the last nine years and flat demand for 40 years before that.

As CWLP once noted, "water conservation is the enemy" of retail sales, and we are reaping the benefits of federally mandated water conservation for water-consuming devices such as toilets, washers, dishwashers shower heads, etc. Now we have a larger population than 50 years ago using less water, and these measures will bear more fruit over the coming years as water hogs are replaced.

There's almost 30% more water staying in the lake now than there was in 2016 when CWLP reapplied. Plus, we can now draw it down to the conservation pool (8 feet more water) than before 2021. The U.S. EPA agrees there is no demonstrable need and even if there was, there are cheaper, better alternatives that won't obliterate thousands of acres.

Don Hanrahan
Via illinoistimes.com



I read the article from Ed Wojcicki about the growth of pickleball ("More pickleball courts on the way," Winter REGEN). I'm all for progress, but what about the park district successfully maintaining the existing tennis courts (those that they didn't remove) in our various city parks?

 Personally, I think it has always been a conflict of interest for the park district to maintain both the Washington Park (fee charged) tennis courts and those that are free to the public. The Washington Park courts are in great condition, yet the free tennis courts are in desperate need of repair. There are huge cracks in them, and weeds are growing through the cracks.  How is this fair to members of the public who can't afford to play on the paid tennis courts and have to use free tennis courts? No one wants to risk an injury on damaged courts, so of course, they remain unused. Such a pity for all of the kids who would like to develop their tennis skills for high school competition.

Would it be possible for the free courts to be repaired and some sort of structure added to protect them from the central Illinois elements?

Tennis was here way before pickleball. Let's get the courts in great condition for future generations of tennis players. Deb Pilapil




Glad they have permission and are using proper cleaning materials ("Restoring gravestones of Civil War veterans," Nov. 9). It's an honorable mission to restore these headstones.

Deon Bishop
Via Facebook.com/illinoistimes



The vices of the world become acceptable in Illinois once the state realizes it can make money off them ("From colleges to cannabis," Nov. 16).

Ted Harvatin
Via illinoistimes.com

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