Considered a master of the blues harp, this bluesman does devilish duty on the chromatic harp, as well as the more commonly played diatonic harmonica. With credentials earned from decades of tours through Europe and America, relocations with dedication to blues hotbeds around the country and stellar songwriting, arranging and performing, Kurt Crandall in his revue does his review of styles such as Chicago Blues, West Coast Swing and Kansas City Jump. He's released three CDs of mostly original blues music with a few lesser-known blues classics on board, including, True Story, Get Wrong With Me and his most recent, Take It Off, all while constantly and consistently working the circuits singing and playing with a crack band of "take-no-prisoners" musicians such as Reid Doughten, (guitar), Johnny Hott (drums) and John Sheppard (bass). Crandall, now based in Richmond, Virginia, takes old-school styles, adds a contemporary twist and comes up with a new sound that is all his own, making every show a welcome platform for his astonishingly good performances.

Kurt Crandall

Monday, March 9, 7 p.m.

The Alamo

ICBC, Blue Monday

Tom Irwin

Tom Irwin, a sixth-generation Sangamon County resident, has played his songs and music for nearly 40 years in the central Illinois area with occasional forays across the country. He's contributed to Illinois Times since 2000 by writing Now Playing, a weekly music column, as well as features stories and other articles...

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