You grow new brain cells with each new experience. Never tasted chai tea? Drink it and grow more brain cells. Never listened to Bach’s Toccata and Fugue in D Minor. Listen: New brain. Never wrote a poem. Do it, new cells. Cross off your list another “never done this before” -- attend Springfield Poets and Writers Open Mic. Takes place every third Wednesday of the month at Robbie’s on the square, Springfield, Ill.

this isn't Robbie's -- SPW used to meet at Norb Andy's

There’s a smattering of SPWers that have been sharing poetry in the capital city in the middle of the country for almost 20 years. We’ll jump all over you as a new comer. We know we’ll grow more brain cells getting to know you and listening to what you have to say. Don’t worry, we’ll jump all over you, but that’s a good thing. It means we’ll treat you like our oldest and dearest friend.

Remember what Albert Einstein said, “Creativity is intelligence having fun.” SPW is celebrating its 20th anniversary in 2013. We had some fun Saturday with a party barge on Lake Springfield (this link also presents a history lesson and old photos of the lake). I share with you Springfield from the water -- our four hour tour around much of the perimeter of the lake (which they tell me the shoreline is 57 miles). We departed from Lake Springfield Marina.

Here's some of the crew as we were loading. Yes, you too can rent a party barge or other water craft.

 leaving the marina

lighthouse exclamation point

my east coast friends told me about this lighthouse before I even knew it was there -- it's a Google world

I55 -- there really are cars and semis up there


 six lanes of cars and semis up there by the way

will we fit -- thank goodness the lake is low

and it's quite nice under here even if we must remain sitting

POETRY alert -- this is the Vachel Lindsay Bridge

 ya didn't know you were gonna git the Bridges of Madison (Sangamon) County, did ya?

it is appropriate to see the beautiful day through the Vachel Lindsay Bridge -- remember we're your poets

what was Springfield beach -- the beach house is historic and can be rented out for functions

 CWLP blowing only one stack today

 that's the Crowne Plaza back there -- the cars are moving on East Lake Drive that leads to Muni, Lincoln Memorial Garden, the zoo, Rochester and around the lake back over I55 to Lake Springfield Marina.

Bird Sanctuary

and here we are back at the dock after our four hour cruise -- another fine poetic day had and more brain to boot

Oh, and if you didn't believe me that you can grow more brain cells, start your reading here. Then google the phrase and read to your heart's content (or your brain's).

If you have post ideas or poetry you'd like to be featured on this blog Poetry, Etc. email [email protected].

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