Summer is almost here! How will you make the most of it? Do you or your loved ones have plans that include learning something new or earning college credit? One way to take advantage of the slower pace of summer is to enroll in a class or two at Lincoln Land Community College.

I recently talked with some students to ask about the value they see in taking courses over the summer. Some of the benefits they shared of earning college credit over the summer included taking advantage of the smaller class sizes, earning credit in a shorter amount of time, focusing on more difficult classes and even creating a lighter course load during the school year.

During the summer, students can earn the same number of credits for a course, but in a shorter timeframe. Instead of completing classes in a full semester, which is 16 weeks, students can earn the same credits in less time. Summer classes are offered in four-or-eight-week sessions. Knocking out a couple of courses over the summer can mean having a lighter course load during the regular school year and may even allow you to graduate sooner. Just imagine … you can earn college credits and still have time to enjoy the warm weather activities of the summer!

Those returning home from college or university can focus on one or two classes that they find to be more challenging. Taking classes over the summer allows you to really concentrate on these classes without a full course load. For instance, we offer several science and mathematics classes that some students prefer to take over the summer. Other students use the summer to complete a speech communication course. LLCC has wonderful faculty who are invested in student learning and staff who provide resources and services to help students succeed.

With LLCC’s low tuition cost, students can earn credit toward their degree at a reduced rate. Many of the classes we offer transfer back to your college or university. Students are encouraged to speak with their adviser at their college to attain approval for classes that they wish to take. Transferring the credits back to one’s home institution is easier than ever.

The summer also provides an opportunity for some to get a jumpstart on their college careers. The high school class of 2024 will soon be graduating (an early congratulations to graduates!). New high school graduates can take one or two classes to earn credits toward an associate degree at LLCC or transfer the credits to their university to go toward their bachelor’s degree.

For those having some anxiety about the transition to college, a great class to take is College Success Skills. This class provides the tools that students need to be successful in the college classroom and beyond. This class can also help students who have experienced some difficulties during the academic year as it helps to build the skills needed to improve grades and learn with greater ease.

Summer classes begin June 3. They are available in face-to-face and online formats. Get started today on the next step of your academic journey by visiting Financial aid is available for eligible students to help offset the costs.

As your local community college, LLCC offers opportunities for a smarter summer with several classes that can move you closer to your academic goals, all at a low tuition rate and while still having time to work or relax with family and friends!

Dr. Amanda Turner is the director of student success at Lincoln Land Community College.

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