New high-tech UIS labs and partnerships designed to spark innovation

Two new high-tech research laboratories are helping to turn students’ ideas into reality at the University of Illinois Springfield and downtown at Innovate Springfield—and the skills these students are acquiring will help them produce prototypes or new products that could revolutionize the marketplace.

In early 2023, the UIS Computer Science Department opened the Orion Lab, named after UIS’ mascot, in the lower level of the Health and Sciences Building. The unique space offers students access to a wide range of advanced equipment such as 3D printers, CNC machines, laser cutters and more. It's not just about the tools, though - it's about the hands-on experience and guidance from faculty and peers. By working in this experiential learning environment, students can develop problem-solving skills, boost their creativity and improve their critical-thinking abilities.

In the lab, students can use the equipment to physically create their ideas by printing three-dimensional objects layer by layer. The focus is on practical applications and encouraging innovation and discovery. The lab also creates a strong sense of community among students, especially those interested in fields such as science, technology, engineering and mathematics.

The lab is a place for networking, mentorship and collaboration where students can connect with other university and industry partners. These interactions provide valuable insights and meaningful relationships as well as open doors to future opportunities in their chosen fields.

Building on the success of the Orion Lab, the Computer Science Department is partnering with Innovate Springfield, UIS’ downtown business incubator, to help local high school students at the Capital Area Career Center design and create their ideas.

Starting in August, Innovate Springfield Director Ben Hage and I will be teaching a new CACC class on Rapid Prototyping using Edge-Tech at Innovate Springfield. Rapid prototyping involves quickly creating a scaled-down version or a prototype using the latest technology.

Through the course at Innovate Springfield, CACC students will have access to the same technology that is in the Orion Lab. They’ll also be able to earn college credit through Lincoln Land Community College for completing the course. 

This collaboration means that high school students will not only have access to cutting-edge equipment but also benefit from the expertise and resources of both the Orion Lab and Innovate Springfield. The partnership also expands the impact of the Orion Lab and provides even more opportunities for students to thrive in their chosen fields. This creates an opportunity to bring together the best of both worlds and enhance the overall experience for students.

At the heart of this collaboration lies a shared vision: to empower students with hands-on experience, revolutionizing the way prototyping is approached and executed. The fusion of Orion Lab's expertise in advanced technology and Innovate Springfield's commitment to fostering innovation has birthed a unique educational opportunity set to redefine the future of product development.

The CACC course will integrate cutting-edge tools and a forward-thinking curriculum to seamlessly blend theory with hands-on practice. Covering the entire spectrum from idea creation to production, the course will empower students with the expertise to navigate every step of the prototyping process.

The collaboration between the Orion Lab and Innovate Springfield doesn't stop at hardware. It extends into the realm of mentorship, as industry experts from both entities will guide and inspire students throughout the course. This amalgamation of academic rigor and real-world insights ensures that students are not only equipped with technical skills but also gain invaluable industry knowledge.

The course promises a hands-on approach, allowing students to experiment, innovate and create. They will work with cutting-edge equipment under the guidance of experienced mentors, fostering an environment where ideas flourish and prototypes come to life.

In addition to technical proficiency, the course will emphasize the importance of collaborative thinking, problem-solving and ethical considerations in additive manufacturing. It is not merely about printing objects; it's about cultivating a mindset of innovation and responsibility.

By merging resources, expertise, and a shared passion for innovation, the collaboration between the Orion Lab and Innovate Springfield aims to prepare the next generation of innovators and problem-solvers.

The Rapid Prototyping using Edge-Tech course stands as a testament to this collaboration's vision - to empower students with a comprehensive understanding of additive manufacturing. It isn't merely a course; it's an incubator for future innovators, providing them with fertile ground to cultivate their ideas and redefine the future of product development — one prototype at a time.

Joshua L. Smith is the director of the Orion Lab and a computer science instructor at University of Illinois Springfield.

Joshua L. Smith

Joshua L. Smith is the director of the Orion Lab and a computer science instructor at University of Illinois Springfield.

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