The village of Capital City Parent

Population: growing

click to enlarge The village of Capital City Parent
Photo by Elizabeth Bailey, owner of Studio Bliss Photography
On the cover: Drake Thomas is from Springfield and is 9 years old.

It takes a village to raise a child. We all have a village. Some are big and traditional (large extended family who live nearby, helpful neighbors who know and love and look out for your kids) and small (one parent and a babysitter or teacher). Most of us have something in between – and can always use more villagers.

Capital City Parent wants to be a part of your village. We’d love to hear from you, our readers, about what’s going on at your house, and what you’d like to see more of from us. What do you love about raising kids in central Illinois? What resources are you struggling to find? Where do you turn for inspiration when you’re planning your fifth third birthday party and you can’t quite deal with Martha Stewart or the Pinterest rabbit hole? Who have you met recently that’s balancing a challenging career and parenting duties with aplomb (or at least appears to, because nobody actually believes they are)?

Also, we are always looking for writers who are parents, right here in Springfield and the surrounding areas. Do you know someone who writes well and is close to the pulse of active families in our community? We want them on our team! Please send writing samples and a letter of introduction to
[email protected]. We are eager to link up soon!  –Ann Farrar

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