
Tuesdays Stewardship Workday

Work with others or independently on a variety of stewardship projects at various properties. Learn about properties of the Friends of the Sangamon Valley and the diversity of plants and animals. Call or text for location and details. Hosted by the Friends of the Sangamon Valley. 217-493-3115.

Spring Migration Bird Hikes

Wednesdays, 8-9:30am. Through May 15. Matt Hayes of the Illinois Audubon Society will lead hikes during the spring bid migration, providing opportunities to spot migrants as they pass through the sanctuary and watch the activities of species that will nest here as they seek territories and mates. Free. Adams Wildlife Sanctuary, 2315 Clear Lake Ave., 217-544-2473.


Flycatchers of Illinois

Thu., April 18, 6-7pm. Springfield Audubon Society hosts Dr. Matt Hayes to discuss Flycatcher identification. Learn to identify various Illinois flycatcher species based on field marks and song/call. Free. Adams Wildlife Sanctuary, 2315 E. Clear Lake Ave., 217-544-2473.

Junior and Senior Naturalists

Sat., April 20. Join in some fun Earth Day activities. Junior naturalists ages 5-8 will meet from 10am to noon. Senior naturalists ages 8-12 will meet from 1 to 3pm. Lincoln Memorial Garden, 2301 East Lake Shore Drive, 217-529-1111.

Earth Awareness Fair

Sat., April 20, 11am-3pm. This event is meant to bring together city departments, organizations, businesses and individuals to showcase and encourage Earth stewardship, resilience, sustainability and community building within the city. Organized by the Office of Public Works, Waste & Recycling Division since 1992. Union Square Park, 212 N. Sixth St.

April Wildflower and Bird Walks

Saturdays in April, 10am and 2pm. Guided wildflower walks on Elkhart Hill presented by the Elkhart Historical Society. Reservations required and must be made by phone. $15 per adult and $10 per child. Final day, April 27, will include bird banding demonstrations. Call for more info. Tours leave from Country Bumpkin, 103 Gov. Oglesby St., 217-947-2238.

Sunday Bird Hikes

Sun., April 28, 8-9:30am. Join Springfield Audubon Society's Joe Gardner to scan the sanctuary's woodland and prairie for spring migrants and resident species. Free. Adams Wildlife Sanctuary, 2315 E. Clear Lake Ave., 217-544-2473.


Kids Fare Garden Club

Mondays, 5-6pm, May 6 through June. 3. This free gardening club for school-aged children will be taught by Alana Reynolds of Grow Springfield and the Butler School Garden. Drop-ins welcome. Enos Park Neighborhood Garden, 1022 N. Fifth St., 217-610-0720.

Earth Prayers

Sun., May 5, 3pm. An interfaith prayer of the arts in solidarity with Earth. Join in the music, singing and dancing used by local faith traditions. Listen to wisdom from different sacred books, light a candle and work on a community mandala. Part of the Liturgical Arts Festival. Free. Rochester Community Park, Rochester, 90 Wild Rose Lane

Springfield Civic Garden Club

Mon., May 6, 9:30am. This month, Susan Helm will share her story of becoming an active community volunteer specializing in establishing pollinator gardens and habitats using native plants. Guests are welcome to attend. Doors open at 9 a.m. for refreshments. For more info, visit the club's website, Facebook site or call. Free. Westminster Presbyterian Church, 533 S. Walnut St., 217-899-3283.

Illinois Native Plant Society Sale

Sat., May 11, 9am-12pm. The area's largest native plant sale in both diversity and quantity. Native trees, shrubs, herbaceous plants and multiple milkweed species to help you create a habitat at home, plus many other species that benefit native wildlife, and grown from local seed sources when available. Illinois State Fairgrounds Reisch Pavilion, 801 Sangamon Ave., 217-243-6055.

Spring Iris Show

Sat., May 18, 1-4pm. A judged show of many types of Iris blooms sponsored by the Sangamon Valley Iris Society. Amateurs welcome to participate with named varieties to be in place by 10 am. Open to public viewing from 1 to 4pm. Free. Washington Park Botanical Garden Exhibit Hall, 1740 W. Fayette Ave., 217-529-8014.

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  • Nash

    @ Senior Services of Central Illinois

    Wed., Sept. 25, 1 p.m. and Wed., Oct. 23, 1 p.m.