Richard Haley, who has epilepsy and was tased in the Sangamon County jail while suffering a seizure, has settled his federal lawsuit against the county for $9,000. Haley had asked for more than a quarter-million dollars, claiming that he was tased in the midst of a seizure while unable to understand guards (“County defends tasing epileptics,” Feb. 9, 2017). Haley, who was doing time for domestic battery, had no recollection of being tased on March 23, 2013. When he regained consciousness, he was handcuffed to a wheelchair. Guards in depositions said that Haley was punching and kicking and otherwise combative, and so he was tased when he did not respond to orders to calm down. The lieutenant who tased Haley was a Taser instructor. In a deposition, he said that Haley’s resistance to officers, not his medical issues, was the primary concern. Haley was tased twice. The second time, he stopped moving long enough for guards to handcuff him.

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