Hand sanitizer, face masks and lots of cleaning. University of Illinois Springfield has announced it will reopen campus for fall semester. UIS' "Return to the Prairie" plan lays out details including protocol for quarantine should staff or students fall ill. A "blended course delivery" model was chosen that merges in-person and off-campus learning. The approach requires the state to stay in Phase Four, its current phase and the second to last of the state's reopening plan. Sangamon County has seen a recent uptick in cases, and Gov. JB Pritzker said on Tuesday, July 14, he would not hesitate to "reimpose some mitigations" if numbers trend upward. The UIS plan requires staff and students wear masks when a six-foot distance is impossible. Student Health Services is supposed to provide free COVID-19 testing. "We want to meet students where they want to learn," Interim Chancellor Karen Whitney told NPR Illinois. "And we want to meet the faculty on what they believe is the best way students should learn, and do it with the idea of how to be flexible because we don't know the future."

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