A plan to improve recycling in Decatur will be discussed at an upcoming Sustainable Springfield, Inc. meeting.

City representatives will lay the groundwork for dual garbage and recycling in the city of Decatur, at a panel discussion May 18 at 6:30 p.m. in the Carnegie Room North at Lincoln Library, 326 S. Seventh St. in Springfield.

The plan will encourage and improve existing recycling practices by distributing recycling bins to residents free of charge.  The U.S. Department of Energy awarded the city an Energy Efficiency Conservation block grant to help implement waste recycling and improve land use planning.

The organization of neighborhood groups will oversee a full-time sustainability planner, who has been hired in the city manager’s office.

Members of Sustainable Springfield, Inc. are looking forward to hosting the event.

“We try and stress the fact that it just makes good economic sense to employ sustainable practices,” says Jim Johnston, president and founder of Sustainable Springfield, Inc. “Not only is it good for the environment but it also makes good economic sense.”

For more information, go online at www.teskaassociates.com/sustainabledecatur.

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