Life changed this week for me and many northenders when Noonan's True Value Hardware announced it is closing its retail operations. For the past 30 years or so I've relied on the North Grand Noonan's when I needed a set screw for a doorknob, or a washer for a garden hose, lightbulbs, a bale of straw, Christmas lights, bird seed or grass seed or a key copied. Their "How can I help you?" greeting was always genuine, and if I wasn't sure what I needed, the worker, often named Noonan, would help me figure it out. On a spring Saturday at Noonan's I'd often run into Calvin or Andy or other neighbors preparing for the projects of the day. Buying online or at a big box has no spirit to match this, so thank goodness Springfield has another locally owned hardware company. I don't blame the Noonans for changing their business model to specialize in rental equipment. I'm just grateful for all the years, through three generations, that they've kept this neighborhood retail relic alive. – Fletcher Farrar, editor

Fletcher Farrar

Fletcher Farrar is the editor of Illinois Times .

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