As The Station, a Springfield-based national touring funk/rock/jam band, celebrates 10 years of being together as a functioning unit in 2009, the nucleus of Dave Littrell (vocals, guitar, sax) and Dave Carter (drums, percussion) with Kevin Lemen (guitar) announces the addition of Springfield bassist, Jeff Cunningham, to the lineup. The Chatham native who plucks the 4, 5 and 6-string basses as well as a fretless and a standup acoustic, played with Dave and Dave in Three Amigos a few years back and also worked with LowPhat, Soul Pudding, Senses, Los Injectors and other bands in recent years. His amazing improvisational skills and awe-inspiring musicianship should coalesce well into the free form flying of The Station as the group continues to tour and begins production of a fifth original music recording.

The Station
Sat., Sept. 19, 10pm
Marly’s Pub

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