Here comes a band blazing across the Springfield scene horizon, leaving a trail of rocking good jams and intensely produced original songs all for your listening pleasure. Solar Chariot is the vehicle for fired-up working musicians and performing songwriters Nate Cozadd and Josie Lowder, showcasing a potluck of their original songs cooked up to the boiling point. The live band includes Nate and Josie on guitars and vocals backed by the killer team of Mike Newberry on drums and Jeff Cunningham on bass. This gig is also a CD release celebration for a self-titled debut album from SoCh, recorded at Waterfront Recording Studio with Camron Yates and featuring stellar area musicians Steve Correll (drums), Chris Miller (keys) and David Alexander (sax) with Josie covering bass and Nate doing guitar. Using Mr. Cozadd's fine description of the band sound as "multi-genre original music with rock/funk/reggae/dance/r&b/jam/jazz" as the most compelling and complete analysis available, let's just go from there and leave it at that.

Solar Chariot
Saturday, Aug. 22, 7 p.m.
Danenberger Family Vineyards

Tom Irwin

Tom Irwin, a sixth-generation Sangamon County resident, has played his songs and music for nearly 40 years in the central Illinois area with occasional forays across the country. He's contributed to Illinois Times since 2000 by writing Now Playing, a weekly music column, as well as features stories and other articles...

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