Hot Bag O' Donuts and Catalyst

Hot Bag O' Donuts and Catalyst
Hot Bag O’ Donuts and Catalyst

Bourbon Street Rhythm & Ribs, better known to old-timers as Bruce’s Tavern, recently began hosting rock bands every Friday and Saturday night. This Friday becomes more than a wild, rocking show and turns into a fundraiser with the $5 cover going to assist the Access 4 Producers Group in setting up a new production studio space. Plus at this performance you get two bands for the price of one donation as HBoD and Catalyst interchange members like nobody’s business. Assorted band mates include, in no particular order and in one band or the other or both, Craig Ripka (drums), Kate Johnson (singer), Erin Baker (percussion), Ted Keylon (singer and ukulele), Damion Davis (drums), Peyton Hagar (guitar), Casey Cantrall (bass and guitar) and Zach Eymann (keyboards, harmonica and Theremin). Promoters for the show make the bold claim of, “This will be a DANCING event!” and offer the recommendation to, “Bring your dancing shoes!!!!” So, if you will, please come dance for a just cause and just because.

Hot Bag O’ Donuts w/ Catalyst
Fri, Aug 5, 9pm-3am
Bourbon Street Rhythm & Ribs

Tom Irwin

Tom Irwin, a sixth-generation Sangamon County resident, has played his songs and music for nearly 40 years in the central Illinois area with occasional forays across the country. He's contributed to Illinois Times since 2000 by writing Now Playing, a weekly music column, as well as features stories and other articles...

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