You don’t talk about blues bands in central Illinois without first mentioning Black Magic Johnson. The sizzling quartet, fronted by drummer Reggie Britton who sings lead vocals and plays harmonica, has been hanging around town in some form or other for about six years. Specializing in Delta and Chicago-style electric bar blues, the rest of the band is Alexis V. Rogers on guitar (formerly in elevator shoe), Dan Grover on guitar (formerly of many bands) and Bob Hagler on bass (formerly of even more bands). Known for a bunch of catchy originals as well as a selection of classic and rare covers, BMJ covers a wide spectrum of fun dance music revolving around the central axis of the blues. Besides the two upcoming Floyd’s gigs, the band hosts the Illinois Central Blues Club’s Blue Monday Jam at the Alamo on Labor Day, Sept. 7, at 8:30 p.m.

Black Magic Johnson
Fri., Aug. 28, 9pm &
Sun., Sept. 6, 8:30pm
Floyd’s Thirst Parlor
210 So. Fifth St.

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