My married friend just had a baby and posts what’s essentially the same “Look how cuuute!” shot on Facebook several times daily. Beyond finding this annoyingly boring, I’m 32 and unhappily single and seeing all of her blissful pix is making me envious and resentful. Is it wrong to secretly block her photos? I feel it would be better for our friendship. –Baby on Overboard

A lot of people use Facebook to announce their accomplishments: “I became CEO of the company!” “I got into Juilliard!” And then there’s your friend: “We had sex without birth control and look at what happened!”

Of course, the fledgling CEO typically posts the good news once; there aren’t hourly selfies: “Here I am teething on my new desk!” “Here I am spitting up on the sales director!” And yes, like many new parents, your friend’s excitement may have led her to misplace her “Don’t be boring!” filter. But as you’re feeling bliss-bombed, you might keep in mind that she’s sharing only the cute moments – her mini-vacations from the screaming and the sleeplessness, going online at 3 a.m. to play “Match That Rash,” and the endless analysis of the cut, color and clarity of baby diamonds – otherwise known as poo. (If a new mom’s actual reality were on parade, Facebook would be renamed Buttbook.)

Sympathizing with your friend (and even working up to feeling happy for her) is actually in your self-interest. In The How of Happiness, social psychologist Sonja Lyubomirsky wisely notes: “You can’t be envious and happy at the same time.” Though we rather automatically compare ourselves with others, Lyubomirsky’s research finds that the happiest people aren’t weighed down by others’ achievements; they take pleasure in others’ successes and appear to judge themselves by their own internal standards. Unhappy people, on the other hand, feel deflated by their peers’ accomplishments and relieved about their failures. They tend to be very focused on how much better others are doing, which causes them to feel “chronically vulnerable, threatened and insecure.”

To become a happier person, start acting like one – expressing generosity of spirit. Lyubomirsky’s research finds that one of the most effective ways to be meaningfully happier is to do kind acts for others. So, instead of blocking your friend, try a counterintuitive approach: Block out time to spend with her. Go over there, maybe fold a towel and put away a couple of dishes and treat her to an interaction that doesn’t end with somebody chewing on her nipple.

As long as you’re in the generosity of spirit aisle, pick some up for yourself. Remind yourself that finding a partner is hard for most people. Get in the habit of taking stock of what’s good in your life, and think of constructive ways to get closer to what you want. Replacing your sneery mindset with a more upbeat outlook should have you radiating the sort of positive energy that draws people – including single male people – to you.

(c) 2014, Amy Alkon, all rights reserved. Got a problem? Write Amy Alkon, 171 Pier Ave, #280, Santa Monica, CA 90405, or e-mail [email protected] ( Weekly radio show:

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