You’re in for a powerful treat, as singer, songwriter and guitar players Janis Ian and Livingston Taylor play at Sangamon Auditorium, UIS, Saturday, March 6. Best known for her hit song, “At Seventeen,” Ian is one of folk music’s living legends. Her words resonate with truth, wisdom and beauty, whether in lyric or prose as in her autobiography, Society’s Child, that just won a 2013 Grammy for Best Spoken Word Album. Taylor’s dozen albums and Top Forty hits such as “I’ll Come Running, “I Can Dream of You” and “Boatman,” both recorded by his brother, James, mark a 40-year career in music. Taylor’s voice brings that same lovely intonation and warmth that you admire in his sibling. 

An Evening with Janis Ian and Livingston Taylor
Saturday, Mar. 16, 8pm
Sangamon Auditorium, UIS
206-6160, 800-207-6960

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