Pavement Picassos


Presenting a new celebration of the arts – Springfield Art Association’s Paint the Street Fest sponsored by Zara’s Collision Center and Horace Mann. On Saturday, July 20, groups, businesses and individuals will literally paint logos and pictures on 200 squares of Washington Street, between Fourth and Seventh in downtown. The public is invited to participate or attend. Register the day of at the entrance at Fifth and Washington for $35 or preregister online. Painters will be provided with paint, brushes, cups, buckets, T-shirt and a goody bag. Anyone attending the fest can decorate and fly a kite on the Old State Capitol lawn or help decorate a Zara-donated car with corks and bottle caps. Also, Girl Scouts and Amy Henkse will be face painting; Samba Llamas, Tom Irwin and the Irwinites, Soul Deep, Mulligan and Munro will perform; and food will be available for purchase. Proceeds benefit the SAA 100th anniversary renovation project.

Paint the Street Fest
Saturday, July 20, 2-10pm
Downtown Springfield
Washington Ave.
$30 nonmember painters
$5, $2 kids admission

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