Enjoy a Sunday concert that showcases Millikin University’s powerful interdisciplinary alliances with collaborative performances by students and faculty from the College of Fine Arts. This exciting program by Millikin University’s Chamber Percussion Ensembles explores the relationship between music and sports. The production includes a rendition of Rocael Hurtado’s “Tennis Club” performed on marimba, Richard Lerman’s “Travelon Gamelon” featuring six musicians performing on a trio of amplified bicycles, and an act where members of the wrestling team join Dr. Jeremy Brunk for the premiere of his new work, entitled “Match Play”. The concert, free and open to the public, begins at 4 p.m. For more information about the Millikin University Percussion Ensembles and the Synergy concert, visit http://millikin.edu/som/ensembles/percussion-ensembles.

Annual Synergy Concert
Sunday, Feb. 21, 4pm
Kirkland Fine Arts Center
1184 W. Main St., Decatur

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