Dynamic Patterns Theatre presents three performances at the Hoogland Center for the Arts of the comedy Last of the Red Hot Lovers by Neil Simon. Middle-aged Barney Cashman has a wife, three kids, a Buick, a successful seafood restaurant and a desperate, timid fear that life will never offer him any of its illicit goodness. So, while his mother is out doing charity work, he occupies her midtown apartment in the hopes of one beautiful moment before life passes him by. He may just be the last decent guy in the world, but he isn’t going down without a fight. Directed by Rich and Laurie McCoy, the cast includes Johnny Molson, Mary Young, Michelle Dearing and Sissy Brown. The play will also be performed Nov. 9-11 at the Jacksonville Theatre Guild Studio Theatre in Jacksonville.

Last of the Red Hot Lovers
Friday and Saturday, Nov. 2-3, 8pm
Sunday, Nov. 4, 2pm
Hoogland Center for the Arts
Club Room
420 S. Sixth Street

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