Last year’s excellence continues this Fourth of July at the Capital City Celebration in downtown Springfield. The celebration begins at 3 p.m. Kids can get their faces painted and jump around in four inflatables. Thanks to MJ Kellner, free ice cream will be served starting at 5 p.m. and while supplies last. The Municipal Band plays at 6 p.m. and country favorites Still Kick’n perform from 5:30-9:30 p.m. Extensive fireworks cap the night at 9:30 p.m. accompanied by music. Chief organizer Robbie Johnston says that they are always looking for people to set up, stage chairs, pour Pepsi, check arm bands, etc. Phone the number above if you can help. Other key players making the festival possible are the Springfield Jaycees, Midwest Family Broadcasting and Arch Coal Viper Mine.

Capital City Celebration
Wednesday, July 4, 3pm
Liberty Stage,
Second and Capitol
Jaycee Stage, Fifth and Capitol

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