On Saturday, April 11, at 7:30 p.m., violin and fiddle virtuoso Jeremy Kittel joins the Illinois Symphony Orchestra for a performance of Evan Chambers’ “Concerto for Fiddle” and Stravinsky’s “Firebird Suite” featuring ISO’s concertmaster Violetta Todorova. The program will open with Brahms’ pastoral “Third Symphony,” as directed by ISO’s conductor laureate, Kenneth Kiesler. Kittel, widely recognized as one of the best fiddle players of his generation, performs regularly as a soloist with various orchestras, as a group with his Jeremy Kittel Band, or in intimate duo and trio formats with friends and colleagues. When not playing music, the Brooklyn, New York, resident can be found “climbing trees and wandering the wild woods of Central and Prospect parks.” To purchase tickets for Fiery Fiddlin’, call 206-6160 or visit http://sangamonauditorium.org.

Fiery Fiddlin’
Saturday, April 11, 7:30pm
Sangamon Auditorium, UIS
One University Plaza

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