This is Kevin Stein. 

Who is Kevin Stein? He is the Illinois Poet Laureate, and has been since 2003. Stein teaches English at Bradley University.

So why I am telling you about Kevin Stein? Because The New York Times today has an article ("Is Poetry Dead? Not if 45 Official Laureates Are Any Indication," Jennifer Schuessle, July 28) about the nation's poet laureates and proclaims because they exist, poetry is NOT dead.

So there you have it! Because Kevin Stein exists, so does poetry. 

By the way, I don't think Springfield has a poet laureate, but if no one else wants the job, I'll take it. I enjoy reading in public and enjoy the challenge of writing for events. Here's my poem "The Vacant Sky" to commemorate 9/11 read downtown on the square the year after the tragedy. I'm available to commemorate or celebrate any occasion.I exist, therefore I am! Yes, Jennifer, poetry is not dead.

For blog ideas or to submit poems, contact [email protected].

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