Catch up with the issues facing Illinois

For over 45 years the Illinois Environmental Council (IEC) has led issue advocacy campaigns by allowing environmental organizations to pool their resources and create a higher profile for environmental issues. The IEC represents more than 90 environmental and community organizations, such as the Citizens Utility Board and the Illinois chapter of the Sierra Club, and nearly 300 individual members from throughout Illinois. The IEC relies on those affiliate members to help identify important issues facing the environment and then helps them create environmental policies at state and local levels. This month the IEC has teamed up with many of its affiliates, elected leaders and other experts to offer daily online educational sessions about the issues facing our environment, food systems, infrastructure and good governance. Webinars this week include a discussion on investing in new clean energy technologies led by Ian Adams of the Clean Energy Trust and transit in the time of COVID-19 led by Jacky Grimshaw of the Center for Neighborhood Technology and Julia Gerasiminko from Active Transportation Alliance.

Lunch and Learn Series
Weekdays 12-1 p.m. through April 30
Illinois Environmental Council
Online at

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