John Mueller’s Winter Dance Party is a tribute concert from the Winter Dance Party Tour that Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens and the Big Bopper were performing in before their fateful airplane crash. Endorsed by all three estates, the show includes: John Mueller as Buddy Holly, Ray Anthony as Ritchie Valens, Jay P. Richardson, Jr. as the Big Bopper, and a four-piece band rocking song hits from the 50s. Mueller is the critically-acclaimed star of the U.S. touring musical, Buddy…the Buddy Holly Story. Richardson is the Big Bopper’s actual son, and Ray Anthony is the renowned star of the “Legends of Rock and Roll” show in Las Vegas. Grammy award-winning Mike Acosta plays saxophone. More information can be found at

John Mueller’s Winter Dance Party
Saturday, Mar. 19, 8pm
Hoogland Center for the Arts
420 S. Sixth Street

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