Bringing the big screen to life

Don your favorite 50s character attire from the movie Grease for Sing-a-long-a Grease in Theatre 3 at Hoogland Center for the Arts. Whether in your nerdy sweater best or bad boy leather, Friday and Saturday evening promise to be lots of fun watching, singing and dancing to the classic film starring John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John. You don’t even have to know the words to the songs. The lyrics are shown on the screen. Before the showing, host Johnny Molson of ALICE-FM will lead a vocal warmup and instruct the audience on the hand jive and how to use your free goody bag. So slick your hair back or grab your pink jacket and leave your inhibitions home. There will be a cash bar and prizes for costume contest winners.

Sing-a-long-a Grease
Friday and Saturday, July 5-6, 7pm
Hoogland Center for the Arts
420 S. Sixth Street

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