Since 1980 the astronomy and physics program at the University of Illinois Springfield has hosted the Friday Night Star Parties and offered opportunities to view other astronomical occurrences such as lunar and solar eclipses and comets. UIS associate professor of astronomy and physics John Martin will lead the parties this year. Viewings may include a number of celestial objects including Jupiter, Saturn, Earth’s moon, the Ring Nebula and several star clusters. The parties begin with a presentation about galaxies, the sun and stars, and then visitors are invited to view the skies through the telescopes provided and ask questions.  In a temporary change from past parties, the telescopes will be set up on the patio outside of the former PAC restaurant on the below-ground level between Sangamon Auditorium and Brookens Library until the observation deck gets repaired.  The Friday Night Star Parties will continue through Oct. 25, weather permitting, and visitors are welcome to stop in anytime between 8-10 p.m. Free.

Friday Night Star Parties
Oct 4, 8-10 pm Fri
University of Illinois Springfield
One University Plaza

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