The public is invited to commemorate the birth of Abraham Lincoln by attending the Eighth Annual Lincoln Lecture on Friday, Feb. 12, at 9 a.m. in the Trutter Center at Lincoln Land Community College. This year’s lecture, entitled “Abraham Lincoln and the Todd Women of Aristocracy Hill” will be presented by historian Erika Holst. Erika currently is the curator of collections for historic Edwards Place, which is managed by the Springfield Art Association. Prior to her employment with the SAA, Holst spent four years working on the Papers of Abraham Lincoln project. She is also author of Wicked Springfield: Crime, Corruption and Scandal during the Lincoln Era and Edwards Place: A Springfield Treasure. The lecture is free, and complimentary refreshments will be served.

Eighth Annual Lincoln Lecture
Friday, Feb. 12, 9am
Lincoln Land Community College
5250 Shepherd Road

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