This Christmas enjoy a hot, delicious meal shared among individuals of all faiths during the 12th Annual Holiday Interfaith Breakfast at Temple B’rith Sholom. The breakfast consists of scrambled eggs with chile verde sauce, roasted turkey sausages, hot pancakes (chocolate chips or blueberries available upon request), fresh fruit, juice and coffee. Admission is $6 for adults and $0.25 for children ages 12 and under. The annual holiday Interfaith Breakfast began in 2002 and is attended by approximately 400 individuals of all faiths each year. It’s a popular stop for families on the way to or from church or other holiday celebrations, since many local restaurants close on Christmas day. Proceeds from the annual breakfast support local charities; this year’s proceeds will support the Senior Services Center of Central Illinois. For more information, call the Temple at 525-1360.

12th Annual Holiday Interfaith Breakfast
Friday, Dec. 25, 8:30am-12pm
Temple B’rith Sholom
1004 S. Fourth St.
$6 adults; $.25 children ages 12 and under

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