New one-act play looks at poet Walt Whitman, Civil War

A new one-act play focuses on one of America's greatest poets – Walt Whitman – in the days after the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. ALPLM actor Zaxxson Nation wrote the play and stars as Whitman (1819-1892) when Whitman was volunteering as a nurse for wounded Union soldiers in Washington, D.C. Besides tending the soldiers' wounds, he also wrote letters home for them. Whitman, inspired by the war and Lincoln's death, produced some of his best work at this time. Whitman admired Lincoln and after his death Whitman wrote two poems, "O Captain! My Captain!" and "When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom'd." After each performance, Nation, who has been working on the play since 2020, will answer questions from the audience about Whitman and his research work. ALPLM actor and musician Randy Erwin composed the music for the play. "Lilacs & Letters" opened Jan. 24. Tickets are free with regular admission to the museum. See the ALPLM site for dates and times.

"Lilacs & Letters"
Various dates through March 22
Abraham Lincoln Presidential Museum
212 N. Sixth St.

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