Marty Immel

January 19, 1925 - September 2, 2024

Marty Immel
Marty Immel, born on January 19, 1925, in Columbus, Ohio, passed away peacefully on September 2, 2024, in Pana, Illinois. A dedicated community leader, Marty served as the President of the St. John's Samaritans and was the Vice President of the Springfield Symphony Orchestra Women's Guild, contributing immensely to the cultural and charitable life of her community.

Marty was married to her beloved husband of 72 years, Robert Immel, who predeceased her. Together, they raised a family that includes their daughter, Jan Daniels, and sons, Steve Immel and Bob Immel. She is remembered not only for her accomplishments but also for her unwavering dedication to her family and community.

Marty's legacy of compassion and service will be cherished by all who knew her. Visitation on Saturday October 12, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. with a Memorial Service following at 11:00 a.m. at Bisch Funeral home 2931 S. Koke Mill Road in Springfield.

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