This is a past event.

Virtual Walk a Mile in Her Shoes

To benefit the Prairie Center Against Sexual Assault. Get those heels ready to step it up! Walk A Mile is back this year (virtually) and running April 1 through April 25. 4 steps to ending sexual violence: 👠Register as a team or individual 👠Raise funds with family, friends and coworkers to help support PCASA's mission 👠Walk your mile anytime between April 1 and April 24 👠 Take lots of pictures and post the, on social media using the #PCASAWalk

Walk a Mile in Her Shoes® is the international men's march to stop rape, sexual assault and gender violence. Men everywhere proudly wear red high heel shoes and walk one mile to show they will not tolerate sexual violence in their community. When you walk as an individual or as part of a team, you become part of the solution. You are showing everyone that you will not tolerate men's sexualized violence against women in central Illinois. The funds raised through this year's event will be used to help Prairie Center Against Sexual Assault in its efforts to prevent sexual and gender based violence in all of its forms.

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