veach poem #2

my good friend becky put together a
family cookbook telling us which ones
not to eat (broccoli casserole) and other
choice opinions she also made a book
called when grandma was a little girl
lots of growing up stories of herself
her kids my kids others I recommend
everyone do this for their families
priceless and the whole back of the
volume is a long researched genealogy
by long I mean she went back to earlier
relatives lost in Indian raids though
some must have hid in the chimney
to ensure the gene pool anyway she
did something else among all the birth
death marriage dates of ancestors and
current kin she included health issues
should you take special note of your
heart lungs liver based on family ills
this too is priceless about first son she
wrote “asthma at age 2” (news to him)
second son “tendency to arthritis” third
son “nothing so far but HE SMOKES
so we shall see!” (toby says, if you print
this be sure to say I’ve long since quit!)

©2015 Jacqueline Jackson

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