This craft beer and oyster festival at The Inn at 835 features more than 50 local and nationally-recognized craft beer vendors such as Flossmoor Station Brewing Company sampling Rail Hopper IPA, Pullman Brown, Stationmaster Wheat; and Springfield’s Prairie Schooner Brew Club sampling Maple Wheat, Mt. Dew Brew, Pecan Brown and an Oyster Stout beer. Admission gets you a tasting glass and five tickets. Additional sampling tickets will be available. There are also other seafood selections and traditional grub, plus music by Kung Fu Trio and Thornhill. All profits are donated to a charity, with four in the running – you can vote for your favorite online at the SOB Festival website at

SOB (Springfield Oyster and Beer) Festival
Saturday, Sept. 10, 12-5pm
The Inn at 835
835 S. Second Street

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