The Illinois Department of Children and Family Services is accepting applications for this year's DCFS Scholarship Program. The scholarships allow "youth to concentrate on their studies and prepare for their futures without the stress of worrying about how they are going to pay for school," Illinois DCFS acting director Marc D. Smith said in a news release. The scholarship provides colleges with tuition and academic fee waivers on behalf of students for up to five consecutive years. Awardees also receive state health care coverage and medical cards until the age of 25. A $1,235 monthly stipend is granted to scholarship recipients for living expenses as well. Full stipends will begin in September for the fall semester. Students can receive stipends in June and July but they must enroll as a full-time student in summer school or participate in an approved internship program, according to a DCFS transition services administrator. Applicants selected for the 2021 DCFS Scholarship Program will be announced on May 1. Forms can be found at:

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