The Route 66 Film Fest wrapped up its 12th year at the Capital City Bar and Grill City Lights Theater. Mark your calendars for next year’s festival on Nov. 7-8, 2014.

People's Choice awards for this year went to the top four vote getters. The number one choice was "The Interviewer" (Genevieve Clay - Australia). Second was "Rose, Mary and Time" (Hardeep Giani - U.K.); third, "You Don't Say" (Robert Alaniz - Illinois, USA); and fourth, a documentary, "Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution" (Matthew Van Dyke - Maryland, USA). 

Founder Dr. Randall J. Soland, Past Director Linda McElroy and 2013 Director Tom Szpyrka 

Bests of the weekend in my opinion.

  1. Independent films from filmmakers making films all around the world.
  2. The film about Syria through the eyes of a brave, young lady who found it her mission to photograph and tell the tale of what was happening in her neighborhood and country.
  3. Friends and fellow Springfield-area folk who enjoy seeing others ideas and creativity come alive on the big screen.
  4. Lots of unpaid volunteer hours by the board and others to bring this festival to Springfield.
  5. Being able to order drinks and food from the bar.
  6. Free yummy popcorn!!!!

Hope to see you in November of 2014 for next's year's Route 66 Film Festival. Until then ... pull up the dark as often possible and enjoy what film you can.

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