Reform: Restoration, Revitalization and Representation

The Illinois Legislative Black Caucus Foundation (ILBCF) and University of Illinois Springfield will convene its fourth speaker series session which will be on ILBCF's Pillar III, which focuses on eliminating the Black community's barriers to economic access, equity and opportunity. Attention will be given to legislation that addresses banking and investment, economic mobility, small business and entrepreneurship, state procurement and the Business Enterprise Program, industry-specific equity, environmental equity, housing and land use, pay equity and workers' rights, and capital investments. Sen. Christopher Belt, Sen. Jacqueline Collins and Rep. Sonya Harper will provide the keynote conversation followed by an esteemed panel discussing implementation strategies, actions and impact. Register for the Zoom link at

Virtual speaker series
Thursday, Dec. 16, 5:30-7 p.m.
Via Zoom

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