She loved a man who had never climbed trees,

never been pulled by longing up lanky limbs

of aged oaks, nor crowned the neighborhood,

nor as wind waved maple hands, nor as sun 

watched all things pass below

unaware. She loved a man who feared

tall spires, monuments, cragged cliffs falling

into Superior. Even from below, the pounding,

breaking waterfall, and at times the clouds

sunk low into day but untouchable.

She feared only being rooted

forever to ground. In fancy, she imagined

their flight over vast forests, their breakfast

of golden cherries in the tips of yew.

The film of light a heady glow

in which she was not lost, but unfurled.

Her delicate tissue, translucent

in his thought that she (such leaden weight)

was a butterfly black as night, leading him

to steep edges, asking him to jump.

Lisa Higgs

Painting by Carolyn Owen Sommer 

From the recent Poets, Painters and Performers event. Prairie Art Alliance Gallery II has the exhibit of poems, art and music on display through Sept. 26. You can see a few of the works here.

If you have poetry you'd like to be featured on this blog, email [email protected].

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