Picture perfect

Art Spectacular at the Carillon takes place this weekend, Sept. 14-15, on the grounds around the carillon. The two day, juried art show features 50 regional artists, a number of participants that co-chair Barbara Walker calls a “full house.” (Walker’s co-chair is Sheila Albright.) Other highlights include carillon music for 10 minutes at the top of every hour, local musicians, demos, food by Chadito’s, and a silent auction that includes an Isringhausen import for a weekend and a $100 gift certificate to Indigo. Kids 5-12 years old can buy artwork donated by participating artists on Saturday. And, the Kids’ Place features comic book artist Robert Atkins on Sat. at 12:30 p.m., noodle art on Sunday from 12-3 p.m. and face painting both days by Phil Martin. Entrance to Kids’ Place is $1.25 per child. During the art fair, the Fayette Avenue parking lot is handicap parking only. Guests may park in the rose garden parking lot.

Art Spectacular at the Carillon
Saturday, Sept. 14, 10am-5pm
Sunday, Sept. 15, 10am-4pm
Washington Park

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