This Saturday, unplug from your phones, iPads, computers, video games, televisions and other electronic devices and celebrate the beginning of summer during this fun outdoor exercise event hosted by the Springfield Park District. Visit with park facility and program directors to get the scoop on seasonal fun in Springfield’s parks, enjoy concessions available for purchase from Hy-Vee, and participate in a variety of traditional and non-traditional outdoor games and activities, such as tug-of-war, pickleball, soccer, disc golf, basketball, lacrosse, ice skating, golf, DekHockey and FootGolf. Kids will also enjoy creative play with preschool and Funshop staff, plant crafts hosted by the botanical gardens, fitness activities, bicycle demos and much more. For more information about this free event, visit or call 544-1751.

City Recess: School’s Out
Saturday, May 20,
Lincoln Park
Fifth Street and
Sangamon Avenue

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