click to enlarge Letters to the Editor 12/16/21
When Petersburg resident Jesse Sullivan launched his gubernatorial campaign in September, he had already raised $11 million, several times more than all of his Republican opponents combined. But some question whether he’s too moderate to make it through a Republican primary.

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Jesse Sullivan should be taken seriously as many Illinoisians are praying for a non-political hack to get our beautiful state back on track ("Jesse Sullivan is well-funded, but does he have a chance?" Dec. 9).

Stella Dean



How about an article that questions why someone would spend millions of their own money to take a job making $180,000 a year? These millionaires have bigger plans for themselves, their friends and corporations they own to profit off taxpayers. They don't live the same way the rest of the middle to lower-class lives. They have no idea what we go through or what we need. Do not vote for these rich politicians no matter what party they represent.

Steve Stuenkel



Kyle Rittenhouse is no hero, nor is he a role model ("When you're a wannabe," Dec. 9). What happened was a terrible, tragic thing – a situation with the worst, most regrettable outcome. You can grimly nod at self-defense if you'd like. But the defense was overkill, literally. Killing each other is not how Americans should be resolving their conflicts or protecting themselves.

Jeff Pasquini



I agree that Kyle Rittenhouse was too young and too inexperienced to be making such adult decisions, but his life was in danger, and he defended himself within the law of this land. We all know parts of town that you shouldn't go to after dark, but that doesn't change the fact that anyone should be able to travel anywhere in this country without fearing for their life. Anything less is a failure of policing.

I'm afraid now that Rittenhouse has become to the right what Greta Thunberg is to the left – an exploitable, juvenile mercenary, only there to further their causes.

Paul Beatty



Did you know the proposed natural gas plant in Pawnee will emit formaldehyde (1,700 pounds) and almost 2 million pounds of other serious health hazards ("Unclear about EmberClear," Dec. 2)? These chemicals impair breathing and brain function. This huge pollution source will get a tax break and have only 30 workers. Another insult – electricity from gas will soon cost much more than energy from solar and wind.

This giant, gas-burning plant will be under a mile from the village and school. Kids will suffer the most because they absorb more toxins and their brains are still developing. We cannot trade children's health for a few dozen jobs, and the construction jobs are very temporary – most only for weeks.

I am a scientist who lived near a similar facility. I analyzed the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency permit for Lincoln Land Energy.

Unless people speak out, the IEPA will allow release of 1.3 million pounds of hazardous chemicals. This harms lungs and forms ozone, another major health hazard. Almost half a million pounds of tiny soot will drift over the village and school, travel deep into lungs, damaging them and carrying other toxins such as formaldehyde into the bloodstream. Annual emissions will continue for decades.

Dec. 17 is the deadline to email IEPA to say no, or at least ask for a delay until residents see a separate health study. Email [email protected] with the subject line Lincoln Land Energy Center.

Cynthia Walter, Ph.D.
Dover, New Hampshire

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