Here’s something you’ve never seen or heard in Springfield. For one night on Aug. 19 the Springfield Art Association welcomes the group Jazz Canvas. Jazz Canvas consists of Washington state artist Tracie Marsh and jazz musicians Terry Marsh, Josh Mason and Leigh Knowles Metteer creating together a blend of the sounds of jazz and the strokes of improvisational painting into a night of visual and audible wonder. Chicago saxophonist Geof Bradfield joins the ensemble. Enjoy a cash bar, light snacks, and a chance to own Marsh’s painting after the show. Purchase tickets at Robbie’s or SAA, or by phone and credit card at the number above. Catch a glimpse of what’s coming to Springfield at

Jazz Canvas
Friday, Aug. 19, 8-10pm
Springfield Art Association
700 N. Fourth Street
$20, $15 students

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