Fat Ass 5K and Street Party for charity is a real 5K race on Saturday, May 10, for those wanting to get timed. But it’s also a party with bands and food along the route that less than serious runners and walkers all enjoy immensely. Some folks dress up and a costume contest is held. Register at fatass5k.com to participate in the fun or run, but we warn you, there may not be spots left at this popular event. But, even if you can’t enter this year, you can head out Friday night, May 9, to the street party that starts at 5 p.m. It is open to the public. The Cigar and Craft Beer Festival held outside Celtic Mist will have two bands, After Sunset and The Shenanigans, and a hot wing eating contest. Check it all out. Fat Ass is a huge party, and more than 20 charities are helped by all that partying. We like that.

Fat Ass 5K Run and Street Party
(Friday, May 9, 5pm, free party)
Saturday, May 10, 10am race, 11am-3pm party
Downtown Springfield
117 S. Seventh St.

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