An off-Broadway and international hit sensation, Menopause the Musical makes its way onto the stage of Sangamon Auditorium, UIS, for two shows, Feb. 22-23. Funnier than funny, the musical takes place at a lingerie sale in New York City’s Bloomingdale’s. Four strangers come together over a black lace bra and some mature girl talk. You’ll roll with laughter at song parodies of such 60s, 70s and 80s hits as “My Girl (“My Thighs”), “The Lion Sleeps Tonight” (“In the Guest Room or on the Sofa, My Husband Sleeps at Night”) and “Puff The Magic Dragon” (“Puff, My God I’m Draggin’”).

Menopause the Musical
Tuesday and Wednesday
Feb. 22-23, 7:30pm
Sangamon Auditorium, UIS
206-6160 or 800-207-6960

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  • ArtHAUS

    @ ArtHAUS

    Sat., April 20, 5-9 p.m. and Sun., April 21, 1-5 p.m.