For your Valentine

Love notes from IT readers.

Diane, I have loved you for over 38 years! Looking forward to our next adventures together! Susan

Chad Cordani, you are my forever Valentine! All my love! Your wife!!

Dear Beverly, being your wife has been the best part of my life. Thanks for all the wonderful memories. Rennea

26 years on 4-20-20!! Love you so much, my Bubba Scotty!! Kisses & Hugs from your Dudey.

To my Valentines Keith, Jaime Ann, Nicole Breann and Logan Keith. I love you more!

We love you to the moon Lilliana, Johnna, Kynlee. You're our favorite nieces!! Love, Aunts Missy and Pam

Happy Valentines to my little love bugs, Bailee, Ayva, Averey and Harper! Love Gramaw and Gramaw Pam

Rick Ambrose, my best friend and husband. Love you until the ends of time babe. XO -Tracey

To my husband and kids. Happy Valentine's Day! I love you to the moon and back! Love Angie R. (Mom)

I love you, Bear! My forever valentine, xo Uni

You're as beautiful as roses, exciting as wild rivers, with understanding like oak trees. Faithful as mountains, my wife Cathy.

To Oliver, Benjamin and Samantha. Happy Valentine's Day to the people I love most. XXXOOO Kerri/Mom

Mom, Happy Valentine's Day! Thank you for all you do. It is very appreciated and helpful! I love you! Kathy

Lou, I love you and can't wait to spend forever with you and your baseball hats. Love, Crystal

Fred Baskett IV, you are the handsomest damned goblin I ever did see. Love, your favorite troll

To my husband Jerry Berkley. You are the love of my life. We've been together 49 wonderful years.

Matt, thank you for showing me what love is.

Just know that I love you more. Muah! Love, your Babydoll

Happy Valentine's Day to the Love of my life Rosa. From Jim.

I love you, Michael! Until light turns to sound.

Sending love to all GMA Christy's grandbabies, Corbin, Allysa, Abby Kaelub, Arian, Lily, Spencer, Todd, Baby Liam. Happy Valentine's Day.

To my family. Happy Valentine's Day! I love you! Rhonda Lindsay

My beautiful wife Tara who loves me unconditionally and gave me two angels to love. I love you madly!

Happy Valentine's Day to my husband and our two blessings from God. Mommy loves you, Daddy Honey, Everly & D.W.

Having a brother is something special. Sometimes we disagree and sometimes we agree. But I still love you. Vmq

C.M.M. Marry me already! Let's just elope! D.L.R.

Charlsie, we have an unbreakable bond. May it last a lifetime. I love you! Mi Amor

Dearest Judy, we were teenagers some 60 years ago and we're still in love. John

Happy Valentine's Day, Momcat! May you have lots of chocolate with your wine. Cheers + love, Martha

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