My mom left when I was young, and my former husband left me too. Maybe because of this, I’ve noticed that I’m quick to assume that any man I’m seeing is ditching me. In the early stages of dating, if there’s a lag in calling or texting me back, I’ll lash out – block the guy on Facebook and delete him from my phone – only to feel stupid when I learn that his phone battery died or he was already asleep. As a relationship progresses, I still perceive relatively innocuous things as signs it’s over, and I keep testing a guy’s limits with demands and drama, pushing him to (finally) bail. How do I stop doing this? It’s totally unconscious in the moment.  –Abandonment Issues

You seem to be turning your past – getting ditched by those closest to you – into prophecy. This isn’t surprising. British psychoanalyst John Bowlby had a theory that our “attachment style” – the way we relate in close relationships – stems from how attuned and responsive our mother was to our needs for comforting when we were infants.

Research on adults by social psychologists Cindy Hazan and Phillip Shaver did find that patterns of relating to romantic partners seem to trace back to childhood attachment experiences. But attachment history isn’t the whole story. Genes, temperament, childhood environment and other factors also shape how we relate. And though research finds that securely attached children seem likely to end up securely attached grown-ups, adult shifts in attachment style are common.

A technique called “cognitive reappraisal” involves dialing down your emotional response by changing the meaning some situation has for you. Instead of thinking “I know he’s left me!” when an hour goes by without a text back, reframe his absence in a positive light. For example, “He’s out getting me flowers.” You don’t have to know that this explanation is true. It just needs to be positive and possible. Research by psychologists Iris Mauss and James J. Gross and others finds that using this imaginative reframing not only decreases knee-jerk negative emotions, but activates the prefrontal part of the brain involved in emotional control and downshifts the pounding heartbeat of stress to the thumping heartbeat of possibility.

This next bit of advice may sound lame and unbelievable (because it did to me until I read the research by psychologists Mario Mikulincer, Phillip Shaver and others that suggests it works). It seems you can boost your sense of emotional security through mentally “priming” yourself – like by repeatedly imagining yourself being treated lovingly by a man or a parent.  

How secure you feel can also be transformed by whom you’re with. The best partner to help you shift out of auto-panic is one who is loving and caring and has a more “secure” attachment style – in other words, a person who doesn’t leap to the conclusion that your being in the bathroom for 20 minutes means you’ve crawled out the window to freedom.

© 2015, Amy Alkon, all rights reserved. Got a problem? Write Amy Alkon, 171 Pier Ave, #280, Santa Monica, CA 90405, or email [email protected] ( Weekly radio show: Order Amy Alkon’s new book, “Good Manners For Nice People Who Sometimes Say F*ck” (St. Martin’s Press, June 3, 2014).

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